You may want to visit village Tsedisi, Gori District where Wine Artisans' winery is located
Wine Artisans
10 a.m. to 21 p.m.
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UROEBI EPILOGUE 2018 comes from the great terroir of "Uroebi" in Bakurtsikhe. But unlike our UROEBI 2017, it is macerated with skins for as long as 9 months. EPILOGUE 2018 is the fraction from the lower belly of kvevri. which is normally closer to the skins. This is the Rkatsiteli grape variety.
This wine is only 11% strong on alcohol and has very notable tones of honey, beeswax, and orange peel. When poured, the scent of the beeswax stays and develops particularly long, during hours and even days. EPILOGUE 2018 was fermented in kvevri on the wild yeasts, no sulfur or other additives are used, not filtered (natural filtration only).
Consume EPILOGUE 2018 on 14-15 C.
უროების რქაწითელი "Epilogue 2018" იმავე ვენახის 2018 წლის ვერსიაა, რაც ჩვენი ცნობილი უროები 2017. ვინთიჯის გარდა, განსხვავებაა ჩვენს მიდგომაშიც ვინიფიკაციისას. 2018 წლის ვერსია დაყენებულია ტრადიციულად, 9 თვე ჭაჭაზე დაყოვნებით, რაც ამ ღვინის თავისებურებებს განაპირობებს. კერძოდ, 2017 წელთან შედარებით, დაბალი აქვს ექსტრაქტიც და ალკოჰოლიც, თუმცა 2018 წლის ვერსიაც ძალზედ არომატული, გემრიელი და საინტერესო ღვინოა.
სახელი "ეპილოგი" - იმიტომ რომ ქვევრის ქვედა ნაწილის ღვინოა!
შეინახეთ და დალიეთ ეს ღვინო რაც შეიძლება გრილ მდგომარეობაში (10-11 გრადუსი), თუ გინდათ, რომ მისი საუკეთესო თვისებები აღიქვათ. ახასიათებს გამოკვეთილი თაფლის სანთლის სურნელი, რომელიც შეზავებულია ციტრუსის არომატებით. ციტრუსი მალე ქრება, სანთელი კი რჩება და ძლიერდება ძალიან დიდხანს.
დაყენებულია ბუნებრივ, ველურ საფუვრებზე დუღილით, 8 თვე ქვევრში ყოფნის შემდეგ, 2 თვე გაჩერდა ფრანგული მუხის ძველ კასრში, შემდეგ კი - კიდევ ერთი წელი - უჟანგავი ფოლადის რეზერვუარში. ჩამოისხა 2020 წლის ივნისში, სულ 300 ბოთლი.
ძალიან კარგი ღვინოა, ნატურალური, ცოცხალი და ხასიათიანი! შეგარგოთ და გაგიმარჯოთ!
Wines come from vineyards, located in different ecosystems, and tiny terroirs, sometimes the size of a vineyard itself. Wines are made of sunlight and winds, and soils and waters. Hense, a terroir should be allowed to speak in truly natural wine. I never use chemistry in the vineyard, save for a bit of sulfur and copper - maybe once or maximum twice a year. The vineyards are full of different useful insects, like ladybugs and praying mantises, and hundreds of different spiders, etc. These powerful predators hunt tiny little bugs that are damaging the early twigs of grape trees. There is no need for my chemistry when these friends are around.
I just stopped plowing the rows of the vineyard. Instead, grass mowing became an almost daily practice. Rested land develops fungi that create networks under the soil and connect plants with each other, thus creating a living ecosystem of shared resources.
I don't use drip irrigation, to avoid abnormal development of superficial roots, and let them deeper into humidity, and mingle with minerals.
The cellar became my home. I live with wines, growing and caring for them every day. My cellar is as unique as an artisan's workplace can be. But it is, in the first place, a large, two-story house for wine.
Manic hygiene of vineyards and cellars, the focus on terroir, rich varietal base, and a "culinary art" take on winemaking are my main weapons as I try to take my natural wines to all-new levels.
Each year, 10 -15 different wines emerge from my qvevris (underground clay jars). These include natural dry amber whites, reds, and roses that are full of the tastes and aromas of nature.
I make wine and live with the life of wine. routinely focused on growing pleasant, long-living natural wines. Living Wines are not mere candies, they strengthen humans' willingness for life. So I serve to these Life Elixirs.
Because only the Living Wine is an elixir, the only honest path for the winemaker is to be a naturalist. All other ways are just FAST-FOOD businesses where no Life Elixirs are available. And here's the main difference between winemakers and businessmen. I am a winemaker.
Winemaking is a true art for me. It enables self-expression and speaks the truth - just as any other piece of art does! you express your soul and openness to nature when you make wine. The closer you are to nature and the closer to the wine you are, the more daring you are to make crazy, but thoughtful and meaningful experiments. and the truth the wine says is pureness and harmony, depth and character, and richness and beauty. What art does it better!
I would compare wine with music. Because it's an art that words won't explain, and it's an art of emotions, of depth, intensity, and beautiful harmony.
and don't talk to me when I cook perfume!
The rare opportunity to meet a fantastic host who is a great master of the traditional Georgian winemaking, storytelling, and a tireless inventor of new approaches. You can try unforgettable vintages, excellent quality of indigenous sorts of bio wines, and spirits.
Quintessential Georgian experience
Exquisite wine, delicious food, breathtaking sights, and an excellent host. There is not much more one could want out of a visit to a Georgian wine chateau. "Wine artisans" is perhaps the aptest representation of Georgian hospitality and charm. Look no further to get to know the culture.
We are so happy we visited! Amazing wine, amazing food, and great company - it simply felt like visiting old friends in a relaxing cozy atmosphere. Make sure you have enough time to really savor this stop in your travels so you’re not in a rush.
Andro Barnovi is the founder and winemaker at "Wine Artisans", which is one outstanding boutique winery and natural wine hub located near Gori, Georgia.
The history of the Association starts in 2013, and during years, it helped the advancement of small natural wineries and wine tourism in Georgia, while introducing regional wine fests, encouraging the construction of new, and restoration of ancient wine cellars, publishing special literature, and conducting workshops for local winemakers.
COMPANY ID: 417879451
OFFICIAL NAME: ღვინის ოსტატები
You may want to visit village Tsedisi, Gori District where Wine Artisans' winery is located
Wine Artisans
10 a.m. to 21 p.m.